“Portraits: Ingrid Carbone” – a series of four podcasts conducted by Ingrid Carbone and Massimo Lombardi on Venice Classic, from July 2nd, 2021

Ingrid Carbone is an absolutely atypical artist in the world of music. The curiosity to deepen my knowledge of her arose from listening to some of his valuable interpretations of music by Liszt and Schubert, but not only. Discovering that she graduated at just 21...

“Art and Nature: Ingrid Carbone” – CD Review on Tokyo M-Plus, July 2021

ベルマン門下の才女が奏でるリストのピアノ作品集! フィレンツェでラザール・ベルマンに、ローマではエドゥアルド・オガンドの指導を受けたイタリアの女流ピアニスト、イングリッド・カルボーネ。 Tokyo M-Plus reviews Ingrid Carbone’s third CD “Liszt: Le sentiment de la Nature”. A selection of Lisztian compositions played by a talented pianist, student...