CD “Liszt: Le sentiment de la Nature”

Live streaming of Ingrid Carbone playing Liszt’s “Vallée d’Obermann” from the third CD “Liszt: Le sentiment de la Nature”, in Vatican Radio Tastiere by Pierluigi Morelli on October 11th, 2021

Radio streaming of Liszt’s “Vallée d’Obermann” during the radio brodcast “Tastiere” of Vatican Radio, conducted by Pierluigi Morelli. The track has been chosen from Ingrid Carbone's third CD "Liszt: Le sentiment de la Nature". Unfortunately the podcast is no longer...

“Art and Nature: Ingrid Carbone” – CD Review on Tokyo M-Plus, July 2021

ベルマン門下の才女が奏でるリストのピアノ作品集! フィレンツェでラザール・ベルマンに、ローマではエドゥアルド・オガンドの指導を受けたイタリアの女流ピアニスト、イングリッド・カルボーネ。 Tokyo M-Plus reviews Ingrid Carbone's third CD "Liszt: Le sentiment de la Nature". A selection of Lisztian compositions played by a talented pianist, student of Lazar Berman....