A selection of inteviews and TV services hosting Ingrid Carbone.
Discover the pianist and mathematician through her words.
All interviews are also available on the YouTube channel.
Interview: TG1 RAI – Pi Day (2024)
TV Report: TEN (Tele Europa Network) – Premio Scintille Cultura Calabria (2022)
TV Report: TEN (Tele Europa Network) – “Note di pace per l’Ucraina” Charity Concert (2022)
TV Report: RAI, Italian National Television (2021)
TV Report: RAI, Italian National Television (2019)
Interview & broadcasting service: LaCNews24 (2019)
Interview: RAI, Italian National Television (2019)
Interview: RAI, Italian National Television (2018)
TV Report: TEN (Tele Europa Network) – Ingrid Carbone at Parco degli Enotri (2018)
TV Report: TEN (Tele Europa Network) – Proscenio (2018)
TV Report: Telecosenza – Ingrid Carbone plays Liszt at Parco degli Enotri, Mendicino (2018)
“Brilliance is a unique gift in the interpretation of Ingrid Carbone” from documentary film “Genialià italiana sotto le stelle” – 2017
Documentary film “Genialità italiana sotto le stelle” – Teaser – 2017
Award “Donna del Sud 2017” – FIDAPA BPW (Rende) Italy
Interview: RAI, Italian National Television (2017)
TV Report: RAI, Italian National Television (2016)