Ingrid Carbone’s fourth CD dedicated to Ruggiero Leoncavallo received an ICMA Nomination in 2023 among the best productions in the world and was awarded in 2022 with two silver medals at the Global Music Awards, in the Instrumentalist and From Opera to piano categories.
In “Ruggiero Leoncavallo: pour piano [Complete works]” edited by DaVinci Publishing, Ingrid Carbone pays homage to Ruggiero Leoncavallo on a journey through “his” piano. The variety and compositional skill they display, the subjects which today may appear unusual and slightly old-fashioned, the expressive power of some works which makes a contrast with the (refined) naivety of others, the joy of dance (veined by melancholy) and the evocation of faraway lands form the original picture of this composer.


CD 1

  • Notturno
  • Papillon (Scherzo)
  • Spanish Album: III. Playeras ancienne
  • Nights of Italy (Intermezzo)
  • Au bord du lac (Rêverie)
  • Barcarola veneziana
  • Bohémienne
  • Dolce notte (Romance)
  • Flirt-Walzer (Valse passionnée)
  • Cortège de Pulcinella (Petite marche humoristique)
  • Menuet d’Arlequin
  • Primo bacio
  • Valse à la lune (Sérénade française)
  • Valse mélancolique
  • Chanson d’amour
  • Tema di Marcia Trionfale per l’eroica armata italiana di Tripoli
  • Marche Yankée (Viva l’America)
  • Brise de mer (Impromptu)

CD 2

  • Pantins vivants (Danse de caractère)
  • Invocation à la Muse
  • Sérénade-Valse (Sérénade napolitaine)
  • Marcia nuziale
  • Sous les palmiers (Rêverie arabe)
  • Menuet
  • Romanesca (Un Morceau de style ancien)
  • Sarabande (Danse ancienne)
  • Gavotte
  • Gagliarda (Danse ancienne)
  • Gondola
  • Tarantella
  • Spanish Album: I. Sevillana
  • Spanish Album: II. Gitano-Tango
  • Spanish Album: IV. Granadinas
  • Valse coquette
  • Valse mignonne
  • Sérénade


Enrico Stinchelli (La Barcaccia), August 2023

CD Review – Enrico Stinchelli

“We then have the complete piano compositions of Ruggiero Leoncavallo on 2 CDs, performed with great enthusiasm and delicacy by Ingrid Carbone, an illustrious student of the Cosenza Conservatory and multiple award-winner in recent years in Italy and around the world.”



Classic Voice n. 287, April 2023

CD Review – Luca Chierici

Four stars review for the double CD “Ruggiero Leoncavallo: Pour Piano [complete works]”.



Audiophile Sound n. 187 – 2023

CD Review – Carlo Centemeri

“La ottima Ingrid Carbone, che abbiamo già avuto modo di recensire più volte in passato sulle pagine di questa rivista, fa una bella scommessa su questo doppio disco. […] Il risultato è di una freschezza impressionante, grazie anche alla visione illuminata di Ingrid Carbone che conferma di essere, in primo luogo, una pianista di grande intelligenza […]. Un disco che merita di essere comprato sicuramente di più dell’ennesima sinfonia di Beethoven.”
Giudizio artistico OTTIMO


Musicweb International, January 2023

CD Review – Rob Challinor

Ingrid Carbone plays these pieces competently and cleanly with little extrovert passion and for the most part this is effective – these are rarely works of great passions – but I would have liked a bit more vim in the more extrovert works such as the Yankee Doodle variations. Along with the essentially restrained salon nature of the works it is probably better to dip in rather than taking in the whole CD at a time but it is nonetheless interesting to become acquainted with this very little known side of Leoncavallo’s art especially as many of these pieces would be very hard to find in print. The booklet, in English and Italian, includes several colour picture postcards showing Calabria, Leoncavallo’s birth town, Montalto Uffugo where he grew up and other scenes as well as a photo of him at the piano with several, un-named individuals standing around the instrument.

Bresciaoggi, January 2023

CD Review – Luigi Fertonani

“Carbone rende giustizia all’estro di Leoncavallo”


Musicvoice, October 2022

CD Review – Andrea Bedetti

Artistic judgement 4,5/5
Technical judgement 4,5/5

Ruggiero Leoncavallo and the piano: a sound diary

“When a composer is remembered in time and by history because of just one of his works, and this often happens, that work inevitably becomes a double-edged sword: on the one hand it allows its author everlasting glory and fame, on the other it obscures, erases the rest of its production, especially if the latter reaches sufficiency or little more. […] for once, a very recent recording project did not want to propose yet another Pagliacci for the umpteenth time, but something more particular, namely the entirety of his compositions for solo piano, presented in two discs by Da Vinci Classics and interpreted by Calabrian pianist Ingrid Carbone. In a certain sense, it is a due “geomusical” tribute, if we take into account that Leoncavallo spent an important period of his life, that of his youth, precisely in Calabria, to be precise in Montalto Uffugo, in the province of Cosenza, place in which he experienced happy formative moments, divided between musical and literary studies, and another, terrible to say the least and which traumatized him for the rest of his years, the one concerning one of his servants and friends, a certain Gaetano Scavello, who was killed under the his eyes on the evening of March 4, 1865, as he left the Dominican convent.”

Read the full review (in italian)


Musica Magazine, October 2022


CD Review – Luca Segalla

“This double CD represents an important document and is configured as a sort of sound archeology operation which opens a large glimpse into the musical everyday life of Italian salons between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.”

Corrierebit, September 2022

CD Review – Cesare Guzzardella

“Un raro Ruggiero Leoncavallo al pianoforte di Ingrid Carbone”

Opus Klassiek, September 2022

CD Review – Aart van der Wal

“These piano pieces [by Leoncavallo] […] are definitely worth listening to carefully, […] played in a technically flawless and committed manner by Ingrid Carbone.”

Pizzicato, September 2022


CD Review – Norbert Tischer

“Ingrid Carbone has recorded Leoncavallo’s piano works with a sure feeling for this music”


Primo Movimento, Rai Radio 3, November 22, 2022

Primo Movimento, Rai Radio 3, November 22, 2022

Venice Classic Radio, Podcast, September 15, 2022
[Podcast: Le Prime Note] Leoncavallo: Pour piano
Piazza Verdi, Rai Radio 3, October 8, 2022
Piazza Verdi, Rai Radio 3, October 8, 2022
Radio Romania, October 3, 2022

Radio Romania, October 3, 2022

Pieces for piano by Ruggiero Leoncavallo performed by Ingrid Carbone – CD Review, 3 October 2022
Ruggiero Leoncavallo is one of the Italian composers from the second part of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century who remained known for their lyrical creations. These composers, however, had a lot to say in the music of that time and were extraordinarily successful during their lifetime as creators of operettas, symphonic poems and chamber music. Ruggiero Leoncavallo, the initiator of verism in music, wrote the opera “Pagliacci” in Milan in 1892 on his own libretto, an opera that brought him fame, being included in today’s repertoire of the great opera theaters in the world. In addition, he composed several operettas and piano pieces. Moreover, the keyboard instrument has been part of Leoncavallo’s life and concerns since childhood, when he studied with his mother. Later he studied piano at the Naples Conservatory with Professor Beniamino Cesi. Attached, therefore, to the sonorities of the piano, the composer created at different stages of his career scores for this instrument, which are almost unknown nowadays, constituting an interesting repertoire for performers to explore for the public.

The piano pieces by Ruggiero Leoncavallo were recorded in their entirety in May 2022, in the Classica Viva studios in Italy, by Ingrid Carbone, an acclaimed pianist and president of the Clara Schumann association, initiator of the Calabria International Piano Festival. Ingrid Carbone studied at the Conservatory of Cosenza, her hometown, then trained at prestigious academies in Italy with the pianists Sergio Cafaro, Hector Pell, Ronan O’Hora and Lazar Berman. She gave recitals and concerts in Europe and Asia both as a soloist and as a chamber music performer, she was also part of the juries of the international competitions Città di Barletta and Mauro Paolo Monopoli Award. In 2018, she founded the musical association Clara Schumann, and from 2020 she became an artist in residence at maison Bechstein. Ingrid Carbone has a wide repertoire, particularly focused on romantic compositions, and has so far released four albums – all with the Da Vinci Classics record label: two CDs with music by Franz Liszt and one with works by Franz Schubert, the most recent being the album that includes the complete pieces for piano by Ruggiero Leoncavallo, released on June 27, 2022.

Ruggiero Leoncavallo composed about 40 opuses for piano – serenades, nocturnes, minuets, scores inspired by Italian and Spanish folklore, works in baroque style, waltzes and other miniatures that share the romantic essence, a nostalgic and dancing atmosphere specific to salons aristocratic musicals from the end of the 19th century. These scores are difficult to find and study because they were not published in their entirety. All the more praiseworthy are the initiatives of the pianists who recorded them: a version published in 2019 belongs to Marco Sollini, before the release this year of the pianist Ingrid Carbone’s album, which offers us a convincing, lyrical and elegant interpretation, in tone with the spirit of Ruggiero Leoncavallo’s music.