CD Review by Luisa Sciocchis in Amadeus Magazine October, 2019 – “Liszt: Les harmonies de l’esprit”
October 30, 2019

Artistic Rating: ★★★★ Technical Rating: ★★★★

Dedicates her debut CD Les harmonies de l’esprit to Franz Liszt’s sacred music, the Calabrian-born pianist and mathematician Ingrid Carbone. A journey to discover four works composed by the Hungarian author in the period between 1849 and 1863. «Liszt is considered the arrival point of a pianist, a goal from a technical and interpretative point of view. I chose very well known pieces, but I also included some unique ones. Like the six Consolations and the Legend of Saint Francis of Paola who walks on the waves, a song to which I am very tied, which reminds me of my land. There are very few recordings of both », explains Ingrid Carbone. Listening to the CD begins with the virtuoso Fantasia, quasi Sonata Après une lecture du Dante. Inspired by the Divine Comedy of which it represents, through the art of sounds, three moments: hell, the supplication of the damned and the story of Paolo and Francesca. Following the six short compositions Consolationssix pensées poétiques and the well-known Liebestraum n. 3. The journey through the Lisztian piano literature ends with Légende n. 2: St. François de Paule “marchant sur les flots”, intense pages that photograph a cross-section of the life of St. Francis of Paola. Ingrid Carbone’s reading is full of pathos, the grainy sound and the dynamic nuances that characterize the interpretation render with effectiveness the exasperated expression and dominant character of one of the greatest exponents of Romanticism in music.

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