CD Review by Kitao Michifuyu of Rekoodo Geijutsu レコード芸術 magazine (Vol. 70 No. 11), November 2021 – “Schubert: L’enchantement retrouvé”
November 30, 2021

«Almost all the recordings of this work rely on a very specific “pianism” and Carbone’s, like her musical approach, is very fluid and very physically transmits a unique message. In short, her music loses the rigidity of the body, when this happens – losing the rigidity – first the pain comes, but then it turns into a pleasant sensation. I find this sensation especially in “Impromptu No.1” and in the latest issue of “Moments Musicaux”. Each note has a peculiar sound and life, and each note touches my spirit and my heart loosens its rigidity. This CD will be in my love listening collection.»

Kitao Michifuyu of Rekoodo Geijutsu reviews Ingrid Carbone’s second CD “Schubert: L’enchantement retrouvé” on ド芸術 magazine (Vol. 70 No. 11).

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