“Da Vinci Classics. Schubert’s Enchantment with Ingrid Carbone” – CD Review by Piero Barbareschi in Gothic Network June 25th, 2020
June 25, 2020

“Also on this occasion the choice of interpreter fell on an author, Franz Schubert, who somehow embodies in the collective imagination the pleasure of making music in intimate and enveloping environments, despite his production, in fact discovered and admired posthumously, also included work for large staff. An author as brilliant as he was surprising and whose passing, as perhaps only happened with Mozart, is regretted due to the impossibility of listening to what he wrote over the years, undoubtedly influencing the evolution of Western classical music, much more than his production, which was also valued much, too long after his death, he did not do.”

Read the review (in italian)>>

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