This is an extended version of Ingrid Carbone’s biography, exploring every inch of the artist’s career. Here you can find more information such as the academic background, the skills, and so on.
“It is certainly a very fine recording – among the very best new recordings of these works that I have heard in recent years.“
Glyn Pursglove – MusicWeb International, 2020
[Ingrid Carbone] Provides a convincing display of what will always remain a fascinating landscape in my ears.”
Aart van der Waal – Opus Klassiek, 2020
“She is herself exactly like the composer she plays. This is a gift that great talents have: the ability to put themselves in the other’s shoes without imposing themselves and in any case remaining tied to the composer and his work. […] The composer and the pianist together make music eternal, which we hope can involve, inspire, move many generations after us, and make us hope and desire.”
Ludwig van Mechelen – Klassiek Centraal, 2020
University of Calabria
86036 Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza)
Tel. +39 0984 496425
Booking China and Japan:
Rosario Scarpato
wechat: skirpi50bj
- 1991-1992 Associazione Cultura e Musica “Curci”, Barletta (Italia)
International Two-Years Piano Master Course with Honour Diploma and Recital
Piano Professor: Hector Pell
- 1988-1992: University of Calabria (Italy)
Master degree in Mathematics summa cum laude on July 22, 1992
- 1980-1990: Conservatory of Music of Cosenza (Italy)
Master Degree in Piano with full marks on July 16, 1990
Piano Professors: Maria Laura Macario, Flavio Meniconi, Francesco Monopoli
- Beginning piano study age 8
- Italian pianist and professor Cristiano Burato
- Argentinian Pianist and composer Eduardo Ogando
- Argentinian pianist and professor Aquiles delle Vigne
- Italian pianist and professor Francesco Monopoli
- July 2017: Tel Hai International Piano Master Classes, Israel
Piano Professor: Aquiles delle Vigne
Other extra lesson on Schubert-Liszt with Piano Professor Ronan H’Ora
- August 2017: Tel Hai International Piano Master Classes, Israel (with performance)
Piano Professor: Andrzej Pikul
Other extra lesson on Domenico Scarlatti with Piano Professor Emanuel Krasovsky
- August 2002: Internationale Sommerakademie – Universität Mozarteum, Salzburg, Austria (with performance)
Piano Professor: Aquiles delle Vigne
- Summer 1989: Accademia Musicale Pescarese (with piano&flute performance)
Piano Professor: Sergio Cafaro
- 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019 with Cristiano Burato in Italy (Cosenza,
Gerace, Guardia Piemontese, Mantova, Reggio Calabria)
- 2016 with Julija Bal during IBLA Grand Prize
- 2002 with Lazar Berman, Firenze (Italy)
- 2002 with Aquiles delle Vigne, Brussels (Belgium), Firenze, Roma, Trani (Italy)
- 2017 “Piano Special Mention”: from the New York IBLA Foundation during IBLA Grand Prize
- 2016 “Scarlatti Special Mention”: from the New York IBLA Foundation during IBLA Grand Prize
- 2015: First prize: International Music Competition “Erik Satie”, Lecce (Italy)
- 2015: Second prize: International Piano Competition “Città di Rocchetta” (Italy)
- 2000: First prize: National Music Competition “Città di Casamassima” (Italy)
- 1992: Second prize: National competition “Città di Barletta” (first prize not awarded)
- 1991: First prize: National competition “Città di Barletta” (Primo Premio Assoluto)
- 2024: Liszt: Consolazioni, Leggende, Invocazione (Classic Voice, courtesy of Da Vinci Publishing, Japan)
- 2022: Ruggiero Leoncavallo: Pour Piano [Complete Piano Works] (Da Vinci Publishing, Japan)
- 2021: Franz Liszt: Le Sentiment de la Nature (Da Vinci Publishing, Japan)
- 2020: Franz Schubert: L’Enchantement Retrouvé (Da Vinci Publishing, Japan)
- 2019: Franz Liszt: Les Harmonies de l’Esprit – Sacred Piano Works (Da Vinci Publishing, Japan)
- 2023 International Classical Music Awards: nomination for the double CD “Ruggiero Leoncavallo: Pour Piano [Complete Piano Works]”
- 2022 International Classical Music Awards: nomination for the CD “Liszt: Le Sentiment de la Nature”
- 2022 Global Music Awards: two silver medals for the CD “Ruggiero Leoncavallo: Pour Piano [Complete Piano Works]“
- 2021 Global Music Awards: silver medal for the CD “Franz Liszt: Le Sentiment de la Nature“
- 2020 Global Music Awards: bronze medal for the CD “Franz Schubert: L’Enchantement Retrouvé”
- 2020 Global Music Awards: bronze medal for the CD “Franz Liszt: Les Harmonies de l’Esprit – Sacred Piano Works”
- 2020 Global Music Awards: bronze medal for the live recording of “Franz Liszt: Consolation n. 2” on the occasion of the international photographic exhibition “Women of Mathematics throughout Europe – A Gallery of Portraits” (Konstanz – Germany)
- 2022 “Premio Scintille – Cultura Calabria” Career Award
- 2021 “Città di Montalto Uffugo” Career Award
- 2020 Conservatory of Music in Cosenza – Celebration of the 50th anniversary: recognition as one of the two best piano students in the conservatory history
- 2018 Rotary International “La Città del Sole” – Art Section Award
- 2017 FIDAPA BPW “Donna del Sud” Award
- Edward Said National Conservatory of Music, Ramallah branch, Birzeit University, West Bank (2023) – Masterclass
- Edward Said National Conservatory of Music, Bethlehem branch, Birzeit University, West Bank (2023)- Masterclass
- Edward Said National Conservatory of Music, Ramallah branch, Birzeit University, West Bank (2022) – Masterclass
- Edward Said National Conservatory of Music, Bethlehem branch, Birzeit University, West Bank (2022)- Masterclass
- University of Wuhan – Media College, China (2019) – Masterclass
- National Conservatory of Music Edward Said, Ramallah branch, Birzeit University, West Bank (2023)
Lecture-concert on Domenico Scarlatti and Ruggiero Leoncavallo
- National Conservatory of Music Edward Said, Bethlehem branch, Birzeit University, West Bank (2023)
Lecture-concert on Domenico Scarlatti and Ruggiero Leoncavallo
- National Conservatory of Music Edward Said, Ramallah branch, Birzeit University, West Bank (2022)
Lecture-concert on Franz Liszt’s Après une Lecture du Dante – Fantasia quasi Sonata
- General Consulate of Italy and Dante Alighieri Society, Jerusalem, Israel (2022)
Lecture-concert on Franz Liszt’s Après une Lecture du Dante – Fantasia quasi Sonata
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Bad Herrenalb, Germany (2021)
Lecture-concert on Liszt’s Légende n. 1: St. François d’Assise “La prédication aux oiseaux”, Les jeux d’eau à la Villa d’Este, Après une Lecture du Dante – Fantasia quasi Sonata
- Istituto Fondazione Liszt, Bologna, Italy (2020)
Lecture-concert on Schubert’s Six Moments Musicaux op. 94 and Schubert-Liszt’s Erlkoenig and Gretchen am Spinnrade
- Fondazione Roma3Orchestra, Università di Roma 3, Roma, Italy (2019)
Lecture-concert on Liszt’s Liebestraum n. 3, Légende n. 2: St. François de Paule “marchant sur les flots”, Après une Lecture du Dante – Fantasia quasi Sonata
- University of Wuhan – Media College, China (2019)
Piano concert lectures: “Pedagogy in Italy”, “Baroque Music”, “Romantic Music”.
- “David and Yoland Katz Faculty of the Arts”, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel (2019)
- Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Kraków and Italian Institute of Culture, Cracow, Poland (2019)
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Ceremonial Hall, Budapest, Hungary (2017)
- University of Konstanz – Exhibition opening of “Women of Mathematics throughout Europe – A Gallery of Portraits”, Konstanz, Germany (2017)
- Conservatorio Profesional de Musica – Gravina Museum of Fine Arts MUBAG, Alicante, Spain (2016)
- Univerza v Ljubljani – Akademia za glasbo, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2016)
- Technische Universität, Festsaal, Wien, Austria (2016)
- University of Calabria (Italy): Bach concertos BWV 1052 and BWV 1056 (2018)
- Barletta (Italy): Bach concertos BWV 1052 and BWV 1056 (2018)
- “Note di pace per l’Ucraina”, foundraiser for Ukraina through the Red Cross (2022)
- Streaming concert: foundariser for the “Niguarda Hospital” in Milan during the COVID-19 lockdown (2020)
- Streaming concert: foundariser for the “San Francesco Hospital” in Paola during the COVID-19 lockdown (2020)
DUO (VIOLIN-PIANO) with Eugenio Prete (2007-2015)
- Perugia, Sala dei Notari (2017)
- Barletta (2013)
- 2018 International Piano Competition “Città di Barletta” (Italy)
- 2013 International Piano Competition “Mauro Paolo Monopoli” (Italy)
- 2012-2013 Master degrees in Piano at the Conservatory of Music of Bari (Italy)
2020-present: Bechstein pianist
- SKY TV ITALIA – Classica HD (Channel 136) : “Mestiere Teatro” by Paolo Gavazzeni, April 22, 2023
- “Ruggiero Leoncavallo (1857-1919) – Complete Works for Piano”, Rob Challinor – Musicweb International, 2023
- ★★★★★ “CD Review”, Letizia Michielon – Amadeus Magazine, 2022
- ★★★★ “Leoncavallos ganzes Klavierwerk”, Norbert Tischer – Pizzicato, 2022
- “Piese pentru pian de Ruggiero Leoncavallo interpretate de Ingrid Carbone – CD Review”, Larisa Clempuş – Radio România Muzical, 2022
- ベルマン門下の才女が奏でるリストのピアノ作品集!(trad: A selection of Lisztian compositions played by a talented pianist, student of Lazar Berman!) – Tokyo M-Plus, 2021
- “La sensualità della spiritualità in Liszt”, Andrea Bedetti – MusicVoice, 2021
- ★★★★ “Souveräne Liszt-Interpretationen”, Remy Franck – Pizzicato, 2021
- “Franz Liszt – Le Sentiment de la Nature”, Aart van der Waal – Opus Klassiek, 2021
- ★★★★★ “Global Music Award voor Schubert door Ingrid Carbone die ook nog Liszt levert”, Ludwig Van Mechelen – Klassiek Centraal, 2020
- “Franz LISZT (1811-1886): Les Harmonies de l’Esprit: Sacred Piano Works”, Glyn Purlsglove – MusicWeb International, 2020
- “Franz Schubert – L’enchantement retrouvé” di Ingrid Carbone; Da Vinci Publishing”, Anna Menichetti – Radio Svizzera Italiana, 2020
December 2000 – present: University of Calabria, Italy
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
- Piano pedagogy – Technique for beginners, intermediate and advanced students – Individual study programs – Group/class projects – Annual and multi-year projects – Lesson plan development – Collaboration with other faculty members – Piano lectures – Concert Lectures.
- Ready to listen other’s opinion – Empathy with the students – Sensitivity for the personality of each student – Willingness to share knowledge and background – Ease of communication – Patience – Impartiality and objectivity – Punctuality – Creativity – Interacting teaching.
Since my childhood I had two passions: music and mathematics.
My studies proceeded in parallel: I obtained the final diploma at the conservatory with full marks at the age of 19 with Francesco Monopoli, who stated that I was “his best student” and, in 2013, after more than 20 years, he made the same statement when we were gathered with all the jury members of an international competition.
I graduated in mathematics summa cum laude at age 21.
In 1993, at the Biennial International Master Course in Barletta I obtained the Honor Diploma and I was awarded a recital in the Red Hall of the Norman Castle of Barletta (Italy). At that point I faced a deep dilemma. In the same period (1992-1994) I obtained a two years scholarship at the Institute “Francesco Severi” in Rome and a year later (1995-1996) a scholarship supported by the Italian Research Council to do research at the university of Bari. These scholarships, together with a teaching contract at the university of Calabria, gave me immediate and concrete results.
In 1997 I became, by a competition, assistant professor in Bari, where I was since 1995, and remained till the end of 2000. However, wherever I lived, I rented a piano and continued to cultivate my main passion.
When I moved to my home university, where I got the tenure, I felt confident enough to dedicate myself again with great commitment to music. I attended master classes given by Lazar Berman, Eduardo Ogando and Aquiles delle Vigne, who was particularly influential and my collaboration with him was quite intense during his frequent visits to Italy. But I also visited him in Brussels (where he lived) and was part of his group at the International Summer School in Salzburg, where I was selected to perform at the Mozarteum.
In that period the scientific library of my university was in a chaotic situation and I accept the position of president, teaching mathematics at the same time. For four years (2003-2007) I devoted most of my time improving the situation. It was not a complete waste of time because I learned how to run a big structure open 12 hours (more that 20 employees, trade unions, colleagues from six scientific departments, almost 10.000 students) and how to organize events. In particular I organized the belated inauguration of the library with the participation of the famous astronomer Margherita Hack. The Library, during my presidentship, became an example of good organization.
After my return to normal life, I played from 2007 till 2015 duo violin-piano with Eugenio Prete. We gave several concerts in Calabria, but also one in Perugia (Umbria) and in Barletta (Puglia).
The accomplished pianist Cristiano Burato attended several performances of the duo and suggested me in 2014 to return to soloist repertoire. He was visiting frequently Calabria and I followed several of his master classes. The events which mark my return to the main track were the international competitions I won in 2015 (first prize and second prize) and the IBLA competitions in 2016 and 2017.
- February 4, 2001 – present: Assistant Professor (tenure) in Mathematical Analysis – Department of Mathematics and Computer Science – University of Calabria.
- December 1, 2000 – February 3, 2001: Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Mathematical Analysis – Department of Mathematics and Computer Science – University of Calabria.
- November 20, 1997 – November 30, 2000: Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Mathematical Analysis – Department of Mathematics – University of Bari.
- June 18, 2001, June 17, 2002: grant by the University of Calabria “Research Project – Young Researchers”, Università della Calabria
- March 1, 1995 to February 15, 1996: “Italian National Council of Researchers”, Università di Bari
- November 1, 1992 – October 31, 1993: “Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica F. Severi”, Rome.
- 1992 – present: Member of UMI (Italian Mathematical Union) since 1992.
- 1992-2019: Member of National Group of Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications.
- 2004-2010: Member of National Research Projects.
- 2012-2017: Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews
Management activities
- Deputy of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics for the project “Orientation, Counselling, Reception and Tutoring 2”.
- President of the Scientific Library of the University of Calabria from February 2004 to November 2007.
- Graz University of Technology – June 15, 2012
- University of Linz – June 11, 2012
- Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences – Toronto – May 2, 2012
- University of Warsaw – Department of Mathematics – October 12-19, 2009
Ancora, Bari, Bologna, Maratea, Potenza (Italy), Strobl (Austria), Blaubeuren (Germany),
Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
14 articles published on international journals reviewed by MathSciNet and contained in all the international databases.
Iberia: “El puerto”
S. Bach
Französische Suite BWV 817
Englische Suite BWV 807
Partita BWV 826
Das Wohltemperierte Klavier: Praeludien und Fugen
BWV 846, 847, 850, 851, 855, 856, 858, 860, 861, 862, 865, 866 (Teil I)
BWV 870, 871, 875, 876, 879, 880, 881, 884, 885, 889, 890, 893 (Teil II)
v. Beethoven
Sonata in C minor op. 10 n. 1
Sonata in G major op. 31 n. 1
Sonata in D minor op. 31 n. 2
Sonata in E major op. 109
2 Rhapsodies op. 79
Händel Variation op. 24
Balladen op. 10
Preludes op. 28 n. 1, n. 3, n. 6, n. 16, n. 17, n. 22
Etudes op 10 n. 4, n. 8, n. 12; op. 25 n. 1, n. 2, n. 11, n. 12
Nocturnes op. 15 n. 1, op. 27 n.1, op. 27 n. 2
Ballade n. 3 op. 47
Scherzo n. 2 op. 31
Polonaise n. 6 op. 53
Sonata in B-flat minor op. 35
Etudes: Pour les cinq doigts, Pour les huit doigts
Preludes: La danse de Puck, Minstrels
Au bord du lac (Rêverie)
Barcarola veneziana
Brise de mer (Impromptu)
Chanson d’amour
Cortège de Pulcinella (Petite marche humoristique)
Dolce notte (Romanze)
Flirt-Walzer (Valse passionnée)
Gagliarda (Danse ancienne)
Invocation à la Muse
Marche Yankée (Viva l’America)
Marcia nuziale
Menuet d’Arlequin
Nights of Italy (Intermezzo)
Pantins vivants (Danse de caractère)
Papillon (Scherzo)
Playeras ancienne
Primo bacio (Valse)
Romanesca (Un Morceau de style ancien)
Sarabande (Danse ancienne)
Sérénade-Valse (Sérénade napolitaine)
Sous les palmiers (Rêverie arabe)
Tema di Marcia Trionfale per l’eroica armata italiana di Tripoli
Valse à la lune (Sérénade française)
Valse coquette
Valse mélancolique
Valse mignonne
Consolations: 6 pensées poétiques
Légende n. 1: St. François d’Assise “La prédication aux oiseaux”
Légende n. 2: St. François de Paule “marchant sur les flots”
Vallée d’Obermann
Après une Lecture du Dante – Fantasia quasi Sonata
Les jeux d’eau à la Villa d’Este
Barcarolle “Auf dem Wasser zu singen” (Schubert-Liszt)
Erlkönig (Schubert-Liszt)
Gretchen am Spinnrade (Schubert-Liszt)
Rigoletto – Paraphrase de Concert
A. Mozart
Sonata in G major KV 283
Sonata in C major KV 330
Sonata in B flat major KV 333
12 Variationen KV 265
Sonata in D minor op. 14
Sonata in D minor K. 9
Sonata in B minor K. 27
Sonata in A major K. 39
Sonata in G minor K. 43
Sonata in D minor K. 141 (Toccata)
Sonata in E major K. 380
6 Moment Musicaux op. 94
4 Impromptu op. 90
Wanderer-Fantasie op. 15
Sonata in A minor op. 42
Davidsbündlertänze op. 6
Faschingsschwank aus Wien op. 26
Drei Fantasiestücke op. 111
O Polichinello
B. Bartók
Rumanian Folk Dances
L. van Beethoven
Sonata in F major op. 24 “Spring Sonata”
J. Brahms
Hungarian Dances (selection)
Sonata n. 3 in D minor op.108
Scherzo in C minor from the “F-A-E.”
A. Dvořák
Sonatina in G major op. 100
M. de Falla
Danse Espagnole (from “La vida breve”)
C. Franck
Sonata in A major
E. C. Granados
Danse Espagnole
W. A. Mozart
Sonata in E minor KV 304
Sonata in G major KV 301
A. Piazzolla
Le Grand Tango
S. Prokofiev
Sonata n. 2 in D major op. 94a
C. Saint-Saëns
Danse Macabre op. 40
F. Schubert
Sonata in A minor op. posth. 137 n. 2 – D 385
R. Schumann
Sonata in A minor op. 105
R. Strauss
Sonata in E-flat major op. 18
J. S. Bach
Concerto in D minor BWV 1052
Concerto in F minor BWV 1056
Concerto in G minor BWV 1058
F. Liszt
W. A. Mozart
Concerto in D minor KV 466
Concerto in A major KV 488
R. Schumann
Concerto in A minor op. 54
M. Ravel
Concerto in G
L. Bernstein
Overture to Candide
A. Dvořák
Slavonic Dances (Selection)
G. Fauré
Dolly Suite op. 56
C. Saint-Saëns
Danse Macabre op. 40
F. Schubert
Fantasy in F moll, op. post. 103 D 940
D. Schostakovic
Concertino op. 94
- Liszt Consolation n. 2 University of Konstanz (2017), with more than 10.000 views
- Schubert-Liszt Erlkönig Tel Hai International Piano Master Classes (2017)
- Villa-Lobos O Polichinelo Cracow Academy of Music (2019)
- Bach Concerto BWV 1052 First movement, Second Movement Third movement University of Calabria (2018)
- Masterclass Edward Said National Conservatory of Music, Ramallah branch, Birzeit University (2022)
- Piano lectures and masterclass University of Wuhan, Media College (2019)
- Ingrid Carbone (topic)/ Ingrid Carbone (channel) on YouTube
- Ingrid Carbone on AllMusic
- Ingrid Carbone on Discogs
- Ingrid Carboneon MusicBrainz
- Ingrid Carbone on LinkedIn
- Ingrid Carbone on EverybodyWiki
- Ingrid Carbone on Bechstein website
- Ingrid Carbone on Spotify
- Ingrid Carbone on Apple Music
Ruggiero Leoncavallo: Pour Piano
Franz Liszt: Le Sentimet de la Nature
Franz Schubert: L’Enchantement Retrouvé
Franz Liszt: Les Harmonies de l’Esprit
- Italian: mothertongue
- English: fluent C1
- Russian: beginner A2
- Portugese: beginner A2
- Chinese: beginner HSK-2